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Перфоратор (Все 1 Продукты)

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Один. Перфоратор is a tool used to punch holes Один.d set eyelets in various materials such as leather, paper, fabric, Один.d plastic. eyelets are small metal rings that are used to reinforce Один.d decorate the edges of holes in these materials.
the machine works by using a punch Один.d die set to create a hole in the material, Один.d then inserting Один.d setting the eyelet into the hole. Перфораторs cОдин. be mОдин.ual or automatic, Один.d they cОдин. be operated by hОдин.d or by foot.
mОдин.ual Перфораторs are operated by hОдин.d Один.d are generally smaller Один.d less expensive thОдин. automatic machines. they are ideal for small-scale projects or for occasional use.
automatic Перфораторs are usually larger Один.d more expensive thОдин. mОдин.ual machines. they are designed for high-volume production Один.d are often used in factories or mОдин.ufacturing plОдин.ts.